At the Tilehurst Horticultural Association we aim to provide the gardening community of Tilehurst with horticultural supplies at reasonable prices, together with a lively programme of talks and activities throughout the year. Whatever your age or experience with gardening you are welcome. Please join us!
Our Trading shed at Gratwicke Road is now closed for the winter months. The shed will be closed during December and January. If you are able to volunteer for next year please let a committee member know or use the Contact Us page . More details about volunteering can be found here
Whilst we are not enforcing the wearing of face coverings or social distancing in the shed, we do ask that members continue to exercise caution and have regard to the health and safety of others. Hand gel, face masks and gloves are all available for helpers and members. In particular, please do not come to the shed if you have any Coronavirus symptoms. As before, please come prepared to pay by card if you can. Not only has this proved popular with our customers, but it is also the preference of our cashiers, some of whom do not want to handle cash.
The Summer Show took place at the Village Hall, Victoria Road on 3rd August 2024. Thank you to all those who helped and to all those who visited. Photos of the show are available here
Our winter season ‘talks’ for 2024/2025 take place on the last Thursday of the month, see the Talks page for details. Our next talk takes place on January 30th.
Reminders !
The Trading Shed is now closed for the winter months
Membership is now due for renewal. Please renew at the talks or at the shed when it re-opens.
Latest Dobies catalogues and code now available at the Shed. Don’t forget that members receive 50% off Dobies’ seeds & 15% off all other live items, by quoting our code at checkout.